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Legacy Skyquake leak

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:52 pm
by BlackZarak
Sonic Bomber-Core has leaked images of the upcoming Leader-class Legacy Skyquake figure, and it looks great. I'm looking forward to seeing if the make a Machine Wars Starscream recolor or maybe even a BM Aerodrone/Jetstorm from it.
They had say this about it:
Leader class Skyquake is really cool. I will say, though, that I may have mistransformed or missed some things here. It is clearly pre-tooled for an eventual G1/2 Skyquake and possibly even some other figures. I ran into several odd features, like the tabs on the top-rear of the alt-mode, which seem to have no real function on this figure. The jet cockpit is also able to rotate 180°, seemingly for no purpose, as it does not appear to actually contribute to the conversion. I am very interested to see the future uses of this mold, and feel like it is a great CHUG version of the original Prime character

Re: Legacy Skyquake leak

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:57 pm
by Agent Meister
Skyquake looks great! 8-)

Re: Legacy Skyquake leak

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:29 pm
by BlackZarak
Yeah, he does. I can't wait to see G1, Machine Wars and Beast Machines retools made from this mold. I'm impressed.

Re: Legacy Skyquake leak

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:21 am
by BlackZarak
More pictures have surfaced detailing Skyquake's arm panel covers, weapon storage, and ability to link up with Needlenose via tabs on the back of the jet mode and ports on Needlenose's underside

Image credit: Sonic Bomber-Core